This is the grain bill (for a final brew of 19-21L or around 5 gallons),
Starting SG: 1.042 Final SG: not done yet.
- Pale Maize Malt: 3.9kg
- Chocolate Maize Malt: 220g
- Munich Maize Malt: 220g
- Crystal Maize Malt: 450g
Maize has a higher gelatinization temperature (it needs boiling) than barley but the enzymes are denatured if the grains are simply boiled. The trick is to remove some of the liquid in the initial stages and save it to re-add after the maize has been boiled and gelatinized.
The mashing:
- Heat 9.5L of water to 43C and mix in the crushed grains.
- The Beta-glucan rest is for 25 minutes at 40C, stirring every 10 minutes.
- Boil 3L of water and add it to the mash.
- Adjust temperature to 55C for the protein rest, again 25 minutes with stirring. Let everything settle for the last 15 minutes.
- Siphon off about 4L of liquid into a jar and keep in the fridge until later.
- Add another 2L of water and heat the mash until 70C for 20 minutes.
- Boil the mash for 5-10 minutes and allow to cool to 65C.
- Add the siphonings back and hold at 65C for 90 minutes.
Here are the photos to go along with the above:

- Use about 300g of rice hulls in the lauter tun and add the mash at about 75C.
- Collect the runnings and keep on putting them through the tun until they are clear.
- Add sparging water at around 70-75C to collect 19-21L.
Here are more photos:

- Boil wort for 90 minutes.
- For this first time I used 30ml of Jackass Bitters Tincture (roughly 30g of plant material) as a bittering agent.
- Cool down to pitching temperature, aerate and pitch yeast.
Brew Away!
A big thank you to Andrew Livery for his papers on Gluten Free Malting and Brewing. I take no credit for the ideas behind this brew. Check him out if you want to read the original work.