Stinkhorn is the common name for the mushroom Phallus indusiatus. It is a mushroom which exists mainly in Chinese cuisine and is known as Zhu Sun.

This is recipe which uses the stinkhorn egg which is the immature form of the fungus.

1 to 2 cups of stinkhorn eggs, thinly sliced
and add:
1/4 tsp ground white pepper
1/2 tsp pf paprika
1 tbsp soya sauce
Next, heat a skillet with a medium flame and add:
1 tbsp vegetable oil
and stir in seasoned mushrooms until brown (3 to 4 minutes).
Next add:
1 medium onion, sliced
and stir into mushrooms until well cooked.
Top with:
toasted nori flakes
and serve immediately.
Serves 2. Serve as a side dish or simply eat with rice or toast.