In this recipe, I have used a tropical fruit “sour peach“. Instead of this fruit, you can use peach or pineapple.

Wash and peel:
5 cups of sour peach
Slice fruit into 1/2 inch pieces and
1 tbsp clove powder
1 tbsp cinnamon powder
1/2 cup lemon/lime zest, chopped into fine strips
1 cup of raisins
4 cups of brown sugar
Bring to the boiling point. Boil quickly until syrup is thick and the fruit is clear (sour peach turns from yellow to red/brown when ready).
Allow to cool. Spread one cup of mixture onto each solid leather sheet liner (these are the ones you purchase for use in electric dehydrator machines). If you do not have this, improvise with greased plastic sheets spread tautly over plastic trays. This recipe makes about 5 standard sheets of fruit leather (15″ by 15″).

Sun-dry the fruit leather. Bring trays in at night. It will take about 2 to 3 days for the fruit to completely dry in the sun. You will know when the fruit leather is ready when they peel off easily from the sheets.
When the leather is ready, dust with:
cornstarch, sifted
on both sides and cut into 4 horizontal pieces. Then roll them out like Yule Logs. Store in an air-dried container.

They make great garnishes for puddings and desserts. Also they can be eaten with savoury dishes like roast ham or turkey.