Asafoetida Chilli Sauce.

Asafoetida is a resin obtained from the tap-root of several species of Ferula.  It is mostly used in Middle-eastern and Indian cuisine.  It contributes a strongly pungent taste to food and can be compared to a combination of garlic and onions.  It makes a very unique tasting chilli sauce and asafoetida has the added benefits of the following medical properties:

1) Digestive aid.

2) Anti-flatulent.

3) Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial.

4) Traditional remedy for asthma and bronchitis.  Can also be used for coughs and colds.

5) In Aryuvedic medicine, it is used to balance the Kapha constitution, which is a watery/phlegmatic tendency.  Also, it can balance the Vata constitution which is airy and lacking in focus.


Asafoetida, 1 to 2g (a pinch, if you don’t have an accurate scale)

Asafoetida Resin.
Asafoetida Resin.

and add it to:

2 tbsp cooking oil

heat saucepan with the above on medium heat until the resin breaks up in the oil:

Cooking Asafoetida in Oil.
Cooking Asafoetida in Oil.


2 cups of Habanero chillies, sliced 

2 cups white vinegar

1/4 cup salt

2 tbsp brown sugar

6 cups of tomatoes, roughly chopped

5 sprigs of cilantro (coriander) finely chopped

Blend all above ingredients including the asafoetida dissolved in oil:

Blend Ingredients.
Blend Ingredients.

Blend until you get this consistency:

Smooth Consistency.
Smooth Consistency.

Cook chilli sauce on medium heat for 3o minutes, stirring occasionally.

This recipe makes one litre( just over 1 quart); store in a glass bottle and keep refrigerated.

Asafoetida Chilli Sauce.
Asafoetida Chilli Sauce.

If this Asafoetida Chilli Sauce is to used for its medicinal benefits, then I would advise 1/2 tsp one to three times daily.  Otherwise, it can be used as a condiment.

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