Eczema (or dermatitis) is usually placed into two categories. The first is called “Atopic” which usually has multiple causes including genetic family history, allergans and diet. Putting it in simple terms, over-active lymphocytes stimulate IgE production which in turn causes this hypersensitive reaction.
The other category is “irritant” dermatitis which is due to direct skin contact with a common irritant. This can be caused by detergents, soaps, oils, solvents, etc.
Normal medical treatment for eczema is usually avoidance of irritants, emmolients and use of topical steroids for active sites.
There is no cure for eczema and any medication which you use for this helps to control the condition. One of the main topical treatments for this dry skin condition is called an emollient. The following is a recipe for an emollient ie. a moisteurising and anti-inflammatory preparation. It is an innocuous formula which can be used as many times as you need it. For severe eczema, I recommend using this preparation 3 x daily for 7 days and for milder conditions, it can even be a once off application. This is applied directly to any part of the affected body and works very well for scalp areas also.
400mls of water
(optional chamomile teabag can be placed in the water)
and boil it in a saucepan. Once boiled, turn flame down so that it is simmering. Next take:
4 tbsp of cornstarch
and dissolve in:
100mls of water.
Remove the teabag and add the above to the simmering water and stir quickly for 4-5 seconds. Take off the heat and keep stirring for 1 minute. Next add to the mixture:
1 tbsp glycerine
1 tbsp olive oil (other options are soyabean oil or almond oil)
Mix until uniform with a blender or a stick blender.

optional 5 drops of lavender essential oil can be added once the mix has cooled down.
Allow mixture to cool down and refrigerate for at least one hour before using. When you are ready, apply preparation to cleaned affected areas and cover with with a clean cotton cloth. You can keep this on for up to 2 hours at a time. The mixture, if kept refrigerated, can keep for 48 hours.