Ginger Elixir.


Colour: light amber.

Clarity: Mildly cloudy.

Nose: Woody and earthy with hints of spiciness.

Taste: Mildly sweet with a smooth unctuous taste which coats the tongue with aromatic spiciness Leaves a lingering, pleasant woody after-taste.


Medicinal Indications.

Ginger Elixir can be used as a digestive aid and for the relief of cold and ‘flu symptoms. Dosage recommendation is a single shot (30mls/1oz) or a shot in a hot beverage taken at bedtime.

Serving Suggestions.

  • Store in the freezer for a cool, sipping liqueur.  Pour into a liqueur glass or shot glass and enjoy.  Excellent after-dinner digestif to bring closure to a meal or as a night-cap.
  • Serve in a highball glass over ice and top up with soda.  Add a lime twist for extra zing.
  • See also Cocktails.

Ginger  Elixir Alcohol Content: 33% w/v.

Everything Handmade in Belize.